

8 Hashing

8.1 General Idea


Symbol Table ADT

  • Objects : A set of name-attribute pairs, where the names are unique
  • Operations :
  • SymTab Create(TableSize)
  • Boolean IsIn(symtab, name)
  • Attribute Find(symtab, name)
  • SymTab Insert(symtab, name, attr)
  • SymTab Delete(symtab, name)

Hash Tables


  • A collision occurs when we hash two nonidentical identifiers into the same bucket.
  • An overflow occurs when we hash a new identifier into a full bucket.

8.2 Hash Function

  • \(f(x)\) must be easy to compute and minimize the number of collisions.
  • \(f(x)\) should be unbiased. For any \(x\) and any \(i\), we have that \(Probability(f(x)=i)=\frac{1}{b}\). Such kind of a hash function is called a uniform hash function.

8.3 Separate Chaining

  • keep a list of all keys that hash to the same value
struct ListNode; 
typedef struct ListNode *Position; 
struct HashTbl; 
typedef struct HashTbl *HashTable; 
struct ListNode { 
    ElementType Element; 
    Position Next; 
typedef Position List; 
/* List *TheList will be an array of lists, allocated later */ 
/* The lists use headers (for simplicity), */ 
/* though this wastes space */ 
struct HashTbl { 
    int TableSize; 
    List *TheLists; 

Create an empty table

HashTable InitializeTable( int TableSize ) 
    HashTable H; 
    int i; 
    if ( TableSize < MinTableSize ) 
        Error( "Table size too small" );  
        return NULL;  
    H = malloc( sizeof( struct HashTbl ) );  /*Allocate table*/
    if ( H == NULL ) FatalError( "Out of space!!!" ); 
    H->TableSize = NextPrime( TableSize );  /*Better be prime*/
    H->TheLists = malloc( sizeof( List )* H->TableSize );  /*Array of lists*/
    if ( H->TheLists == NULL ) FatalError( "Out of space!!!" );
    H->TheList = malloc(H->TableSize*sizeof(struct ListNode));
    for( i = 0; i < H->TableSize; i++ ) 
    {   /*Allocate list headers*/
        //H->TheLists[ i ] = malloc( sizeof( struct ListNode ) ); /* Slow! */
        if ( H->TheLists[ i ] == NULL ) FatalError( "Out of space!!!" ); 
        else H->TheLists[ i ]->Next = NULL;
    return H; 

Find a key from a hash table

Position Find ( ElementType Key, HashTable H ) 
    Position P; 
    List L; 
    L = H->TheLists[ Hash( Key, H->TableSize ) ]; 
    P = L->Next; 
    while( P != NULL && P->Element != Key )  /*Probably need strcmp*/ 
        P = P->Next; 
    return P; 

Insert a key into a hash table

void Insert ( ElementType Key, HashTable H ) 
    Position Pos, NewCell; 
    List L; 
    Pos = Find( Key, H ); 
    if ( Pos == NULL ) 
    {   /*Key is not found, then insert*/
        NewCell = malloc( sizeof( struct ListNode ) ); 
        if ( NewCell == NULL ) FatalError( "Out of space!!!" ); 
            L = H->TheLists[ Hash( Key, H->TableSize ) ]; /*Compute again is bad*/
            NewCell->Next = L->Next; 
            NewCell->Element = Key; /*Probably need strcpy!*/ 
            L->Next = NewCell; 

Note : Make the TableSize about as large as the number of keys expected (i.e. to make the loading density factor \(\lambda\approx\)1).

8.4 Open Addressing

  • find another empty cell to solve collision(avoiding pointers)
Text Only
Algorithm: insert key into an array of hash table
    index = hash(key);
    initialize i = 0 ------ the counter of probing;
    while (collision at index) 
        index = (hash(key)+f(i))%TableSize; /*f(i) is collision resolving function*/
        if (table is full) break;
        else i++;
    if (table is full) ERROR (“No space left”);
    else insert key at index;

Note : Generally \(\lambda<0.5\).

Linear Probing

  • \(F(i)\) is a linear function of \(i\), such as \(F(i)=i\).
  • 逐个探测每个单元(必要时可以绕回)以查找出一个空单元
  • 使用线性探测的预期探测次数对于插入和不成功的查找来说大约是\(\frac{1}{2}(1+\frac{1}{(1-\lambda)^2})\),对于成功的查找来说是\(\frac{1}{2}(1+\frac{1}{1-\lambda})\)
  • Cause primary clustering : any key that hashes into the cluster will add to the cluster after several attempts to resolve the collision.