6.5 Network Flow Problems
- Determine the maximum amount of flow that can pass from \(s\) to \(t\).
Note : Total coming in (\(v\)) = Total going out (\(v\)) where \(v \notin \{ s, t \}\)
A Simple Algorithm
- 流图\(G_f\)表示算法的任意阶段已经达到的流,开始时\(G_f\)的所有边都没有流,算法终止时\(G_f\)包含最大流
- 残余图(residual graph)\(G_r\)表示对于每条边还能添加上多少流,\(G_r\)的边叫做残余边(residual edge)
Step 1 : Find any path from \(s\) to \(t\) in \(G_r\) , which is called augmenting path(增长通路).
Step 2 : Take the minimum edge on this path as the amount of flow and add to \(G_f\).
Step 3 : Update \(G_r\) and remove the 0 flow edges.
Step 4 : If there is a path from \(s\) to \(t\) in \(G_r\) then go to Step 1, or end the algorithm.
- Step 1中初始选择的路径可能使算法不能找到最优解,贪心算法行不通
A solution
- allow the algorithm to undo its decisions
- For each edge \(( v, w )\) with flow \(f_{v, w}\) in \(G_f\), add an edge \(( w, v )\) with flow \(f_{v, w}\) in \(G_r\) .
Note : The algorithm works for \(G\) with cycles as well.
[Proposition] If the edge capabilities are rational numbers, this algorithm always terminate with a maximum flow.
An augmenting path can be found by an unweighted shortest path algorithm.
\(T=O(f|E|)\) where \(f\) is the maximum flow.
Always choose the augmenting path that allows the largest increase in flow
- \(cap_{max}\)为最大边容量
- \(O(|E|\log cap_{max})\)条增长通路将足以找到最大流,对于增长通路的每次计算需要\(O(|E|\log|V|)\)时间
$$ T=T_{augmentation}\times T_{find_a_path}\ =O(|E|\log cap_{max})\times O(|E|\log|V|)\ =O(|E|^2\log|V|\log cap_{max}) $$
Always choose the augmenting path that has the least number of edges
$$ T=T_{augmentation}\times T_{find_a_path}\ =O(|E||V|)\times O(|E|)\ =O(|E|^2|V|) $$
Note :
- If every \(v \notin \{ s, t \}\) has either a single incoming edge of capacity 1 or a single outgoing edge of capacity 1, then time bound is reduced to \(O( |E| |V|^{1/2} )\).
- The min-cost flow problem is to find, among all maximum flows, the one flow of minimum cost provided that each edge has a cost per unit of flow.
6.6 Minimum Spanning Tree
[Definition] A spanning tree of a graph \(G\) is a tree which consists of \(V(G)\) and a subset of \(E(G)\)
Note :
- The minimum spanning tree is a tree since it is acyclic, the number of edges is \(|V|-1\)
- It is minimum for the total cost of edges is minimized.
- It is spanning because it covers every vertex.
- A minimum spanning tree exists if \(G\) is connected.
- Adding a non-tree edge to a spanning tree, we obtain a cycle.
Greedy Method
Make the best decision for each stage, under the following constrains :
- we must use only edges within the graph
- we must use exactly \(|V|-1\) edges
- we may not use edges that would produce a cycle
Prim’s Algorithm
算法在每一阶段都可以通过选择边\((u, v)\),使得\((u,v)\)的值是所有\(u\) 在树上但\(v\)不在树上的边的值中的最小者,而找出一个新的顶点并把它添加到这棵树中
Kruskal’s Algorithm
$$ T=O(|E|\log|E|) $$