6 Graph Algorithms
6.1 Definitions
- \(G( V, E )\) where \(G\) = graph, \(V = V( G )\) = finite nonempty set of vertices, and \(E = E( G )\) = finite set of edges.
Undirected graph
- \(( v_i , v_j ) = ( v_j , v_i )\) = the same edge.
Directed graph(diagraph)
- Self loop is illegal.
- Multigraph is not considered.
Complete graph
- A graph that has the maximum number of edges.
- Path(\(\subset G\)) from \(v_p\) to \(v_q\) = \(\{v_p,v_{i1},v_{i2},\cdots,v_{in},v_q\}\) such that \((v_p,v_{i1}),(v_{i1},v_{i2}),\cdots,(v_{in},v_q)\) belong to \(E(G)\)
Length of a path
- number of edges on the path
Simple path
- \(v_{i1},v_{i2},\cdots,v_{in}\) are distinct.
- simple path with \(v_p=v_q\)
- \(v_i\) and \(v_j\) in an undirected \(G\) are connected if there is a path from \(v_i\) to \(v_j\) (and hence there is also a path from \(v_j\) to \(v_i\))
- An undirected graph \(G\) is connected if every pair of distinct \(v_i\) and \(v_j\) are connected
(Connected) Component of an undirected G
- the maximal connected subgraph
- a graph that is connected and acyclic(非循环的)
- a directed acyclic graph
Strongly connected directed graph G
- For every pair of \(v_i\) and \(v_j\) in \(V( G )\), there exist directed paths from \(v_i\) to \(v_j\) and from \(v_j\) to \(v_i\).
- If the graph is connected without direction to the edges, then it is said to be weakly connected
Strongly connected component
- the maximal subgraph that is strongly connected
number of edges incident to v
For a directed G, we have in-degree and out-degree.
Given G with \(n\) vertices and \(e\) edges, then $$ e=(\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}d_i)/2\quad where\quad d_i=degree(v_i) $$
6.2 Representation of Graphs
Adjacency Matrix
Note : If G is undirected, then adj_mat[][] is symmetric. Thus we can save space by storing only half of the matrix.
This representation wastes space if the graph has a lot of vertices but very few edges.
To find out whether or not \(G\) is connected, we’ll have to examine all edges. In this case \(T\) and \(S\) are both \(O( n^2 )\).
Adjacency Lists
- Replace each row by a linked list
Note : The order of nodes in each list does not matter.
- For undirected \(G\), \(S\) = \(n\) heads + \(2e\) nodes = \((n+2e)\) ptrs + \(2e\) ints
- Degree(i) = number of nodes in graph[i](if \(G\) is undirected)
- \(T\) of examine \(E(G)\) = \(O(n+e)\)
Adjacency Multilists
- Sometimes we need to mark the edge after examine it, and then find the next edge.
Weighted Edges
- adj_mat [ i ] [ j ] = weight
- adjacency lists / multilists : add a weight field to the node
6.3 Topological Sort 拓扑排序 不是一种严格意义的排序算法
AOV activity on vertices Network 有向无环图
- digraph \(G\) in which \(V( G )\) represents activities and \(E( G )\) represents precedence relations
- Feasible AOV network must be a directed acyclic graph(DAG).
- \(i\) is a predecessor of \(j\) = there is a path from \(i\) to \(j\)
- \(i\) is an immediate predecessor of \(j\) = \(< i, j > \in E( G )\). Then \(j\) is called a successor(immediate successor) of \(i\)
Partial order
- a precedence relation which is both transitive and irreflexive
Note : If the precedence relation is reflexive, then there must be an \(i\) such that \(i\) is a predecessor of \(i\). That is, \(i\) must be done before \(i\) is started. Therefore if a project is feasible, it must be irreflexive.
[Definition] A topological order is a linear ordering of the vertices of a graph such that, for any two vertices, \(i\), \(j\), if \(i\) is a predecessor of \(j\) in the network then \(i\) precedes \(j\) in the linear ordering.
Note : The topological orders may not be unique for a network.
\(注意E的范围 最小 V 最大 |V|^2\)