5 The Disjoint Set
5.1 Equivalence Relations
[Definition] A relation R is defined on a set S if for every pair of elements (a, b), a, b \(\in\) S, a R b is either true or false. If a R b is true, then we say that a is related to b.
[Definition] A relation, ~, over a set, S, is said to be an equivalence relation over S if it is symmetric, reflexive, and transitive over S.
[Definition] Two members x and y of a set S are said to be in the same equivalence class if x ~ y.
关系的几种类型 自反关系(reflexive) 设 R是 A上的一个二元关系,若对于 A中的每一个元素 a, (a,a)都属于 R,则称 R为自反关系。
非自反关系(irreflexive) 设R是A上的关系。若对所有a∈A,均有(a,a)∈ R,则称R是A上的一个自反关系
对称关系(symmetric) 集合A上的二元关系R,对任何a,b∈A,当aRb时有bRa
非对称关系(asymmetric) 集合A上的二元关系R,对任何a,b∈A,当aRb时有bR a
5.2 The Dynamic Equivalence Problem
- Given an equivalence relation ~, decide for any a and b if a ~ b
- Elements of the sets : \(1,2,3,\cdots,N\)
- Sets : \(S_1,S_2,\cdots\,and\,S_i\bigcap S_j=\emptyset\,(if\quad i\neq j)\)
Operations :
Union( \(i, j\) ) = Replace \(S_i\) and \(S_j\) by \(S=S_i\bigcup S_j\)
- Find( \(i\) ) = Find the set \(S_k\) which contains the element \(i\)
5.3 Basic Data Structure
Union( \(i, j\) )
Make \(S_i\) a subtree of \(S_j\), or vice versa, that is to set the parent pointer of one of the roots to the other root.
Implementation 1 :
Implementation 2 :
The elements are numbered from 1 to N, hence they can be used as indices of an array.
S[ element ] = the element’s parent
Note : S[ root ] = 0 and set name = root index
- 数组初始化全部为0
Find( \(i\) )
- Implementation 1 :
- Implementation 2 :
- Union and find are always paired. Thus we consider the performance of a sequence of union-find operations.
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- Worst case : \(T(N)=\Theta(N^2)\)
5.4 Smart Union Algorithms
Always change the smaller tree
S[Root] = -size, initialized to be -1
[Lemma] Let T be a tree created by union-by-size with N nodes, then \(height(T)\leq\lfloor\log_2N\rfloor+1\).
Proved by induction. Each element can have its set name changed at most \(\log_2N\) times.
- Time complexity of \(N\) Union and \(M\) Find operations is now \(O(N+M\log_2N)\).
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- Always change the shallow tree
- 保证所有的树的深度最多是\(O(logN)\)
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5.5 Path Compression
- 从X到Root的路径上的每一个结点都使它的父结点变成Root
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- Note : Not compatible with union-by-height since it changes the heights. Just take “height” as an estimated rank.
5.6 Worst Case for Union-by-Rank and Path Compression
[Lemma] Let \(T(M,N)\) be the maximum time required to process an intermixed sequence of \(M\geq N\) finds and \(N-1\) unions, then \(k_1M\alpha(M,N)\leq T(M,N)\leq k_2M\alpha(M,N)\) for some positive constants \(k_1\) and \(k_2\).
- Ackermann’s Function $$ A(i,j)=\left{ \begin{array}{rcl} 2^j && {i=1,j\geq1}\ A(i-1,2) && {i\geq2,j=1}\ A(i-1,A(i,j-1)) && {i\geq2,j\geq2}\ \end{array} \right. $$
$$ A(2,4)=2^{2^{2^{2^2}}}=2^{65536} $$
- \(\alpha(M,N)=min\{i\geq1|A(i,\lfloor M/N\rfloor)>\log N\}\leq O(\log^*N)\leq4\)
\(\log^*N\) (inverse Ackermann function) = number of times the logarithm is applied to \(N\) until the result \(\leq1\).
5.7 Conclusion
No smart union
Union-by-size + Path Compression
Union-by-height + Path Compression