1 Algorithm Analysis
[Definition] An algorithm is a finite set of instructions that, if followed, accomplishes a particular task. In addition, all algorithms must satisfy the following criteria.
Input : There are zero or more quantities that are externally supplied.
Output : At least one quantity is produced.
Definiteness : Each instruction is clear and unambiguous.
Finiteness : the algorithm terminates after finite number of steps
Effectiveness : basic enough to be carried out ; feasible
A program does not have to be finite. (eg. an operation system)
An algorithm can be described by human languages, flow charts, some programming languages, or pseudocode.
[Example] Selection Sort : Sort a set of \(n\geq1\) integers in increasing order
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1.1 What to Analyze
Machine and compiler-dependent run times.
Time and space complexities : machine and compiler independent.
instructions are executed sequentially 顺序执行
each instruction is simple, and takes exactly one time unit
- integer size is fixed and we have infinite memory
- \(T_{avg}(N)\, and\, T_{worst}(N)\) : the average and worst case time complexities as functions of input size \(N\)
[Example] Matrix addition
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- 非对称
[Example] Iterative function for summing a list of numbers
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[Example] Recursive function for summing a list of numbers
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But it takes more time to compute each step.
1.2 Asymptotic Notation(\(O,\Omega,\Theta,o\))
- predict the growth ; compare the time complexities of two programs ; asymptotic(渐进的) behavior
[Definition] \(T(N)=O(f(N))\) if there are positive constants \(c\) and \(n_0\) such that \(T(N)\leq c\cdot f(N)\) for all \(N\geq n_0\).(upper bound)
[Definition] \(T(N)=\Omega(g(N))\) if there are positive constants \(c\) and \(n_0\) such that \(T(N)\geq c\cdot f(N)\) for all \(N\geq n_0\).(lower bound)
[Definition] \(T(N)=\Theta(h(N))\) if and only if \(T(N)=O(h(N))\) and \(T(N)=\Omega(h(N))\).
[Definition] \(T(N)=o(p(N))\) if \(T(n)=O(p(N))\) and \(T(N)\neq\Theta(p(N))\).
\(2N+3=O(N)=O(N^{k\geq1})=O(2^N)=\ldots\) take the smallest \(f(N)\)
\(2^N+N^2=\Omega(2^N)=\Omega(N^2)=\Omega(N)=\Omega(1)=\ldots\) take the largest \(g(N)\)
Rules of Asymptotic Notation
- If \(T_1(N)=O(f(N))\) and \(T_2=O(g(N))\), then
(1) \(T_1(N)+T_2(N)=max(O(f(N)),O(g(N)))\)
(2) \(T_1(N)*T_2(N)=O(f(N)*g(N))\)
\(log_kN=O(N)\) for any constant \(k\) (logarithms grow very slowly)
[Example] Matrix addition
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General Rules
For loops : The running time of a for loop is at most the running time of the statements inside the for loop (including tests) times the number of iterations.
Nested for loops : The total running time of a statement inside a group of nested loops is the running time of the statements multiplied by the product of the sizes of all the for loops.
Consecutive statements : These just add (which means that the maximum is the one that counts).
If/else : For the fragment if ( Condition ) S1; else S2;
The running time is never more than the running time of the test plus the larger of the running time of S1 and S2.
- Recursions :
[Example] Fibonacci number $$ Fib(0)=Fib(1)=1, Fib(n)=Fib(n-1)+Fib(n-2) $$
C $$ T(N)=T(N-1)+T(N-2)+2\geq Fib(N)\ \left(\frac{3}{2} \right)^n\leq Fib(N)\leq\left(\frac{5}{3}\right)^n $$
时间复杂度:\(O(2^N)\) \(T(N)\) grows exponentially