栈:infix->prefix/postfix, evaluate postfix
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| char* in_to_pre(){
char *s1 = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_N);
char *s2 = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_N);
int top1 = -1; int top2 = -1;
s1[top1++] = in_fix[0];
for(int i=1;i<num;i++){
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| void PercolateDown(int p, PriorityQueue H){
void PercolateUp(int p, PriorityQueue H){
for(int i=p;H->elements[i]<H->elements[i/2];i=i/2)
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| void Unweighted( Table T )
/* T is initialized with the source vertex S given */
Queue Q;
Vertex V, W;
Q = CreateQueue( NumVertex );
MakeEmpty( Q );
Enqueue( S, Q ); /* Enqueue the source vertex */
while ( !IsEmpty( Q ) )
V = Dequeue( Q );
T[ V ].Known = true; /* not really necessary */
for ( each W adjacent to V )
if ( T[ W ].Dist == Infinity )
T[ W ].Dist = T[ V ].Dist + 1;
T[ W ].Path = V;
Enqueue( W, Q );
} /* end-if Dist == Infinity */
} /* end-while */
DisposeQueue( Q ); /* free memory */