If keys are pushed onto a stack in the order {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, then it is impossible to obtain the output sequence {3, 4, 1, 2, 5}.
For a sequentially stored linear list of length , the time complexities for deleting the first element and inserting the last element are and , respectively.
The sum of the degrees of all the vertices in a connected graph must be an even number.
In a binary search tree, the keys on the same level from left to right must be in sorted (non-decreasing) order.
and have the same speed of growth.
How many leaf node does a complete binary tree with 2435 nodes have?
The result of performing three DeleteMin operations in the min-heap {1,3,2,6,7,5,4,15,14,12,9,10,11,13,8} is:
The array representation of a disjoint set is given by { 4, 6, 5, 2, -3, -4, 3 }. If the elements are numbered from 1 to 7, the resulting array after invoking Union(Find(7),Find(1))
with union-by-size and path-compression is:
Insert { 6, 9, 12, 3, 4, 8 } one by one into an initially empty binary search tree. The post-order traversal sequence of the resulting tree is:
In-order traversal of a binary tree can be done iteratively. Given the stack operation sequence as the following:
push(1), push(2), push(3), pop(), push(4), pop(), pop(), push(5), pop(), pop(), push(6), pop()
Which one of the following statements is TRUE?
The recurrent equations for the time complexities of programs P1 and P2 are:
- P1: , ;
- P2: , ;
Then the best conclusion about their time complexities is:
From the given graph shown by the figure, how many different topological orders can we obtain?
If an undirected graph G = (V, E) contains 7 vertices. Then to guarantee that G is connected in any cases, there has to be at least ____ edges.
To delete p
from a doubly linked list, we must do:
Which of the following statements is TRUE about topological sorting?
Given a quadtree(四叉树) with 4 nodes of degree 2, 4 nodes of degree 3, 3 nodes of degree 4. The number of leaf nodes in this tree is __.
Suppose that an array of size m
is used to store a circular queue. If the front position is front
and the current size is size
, then the rear element must be at:
The function is to find the K
-th largest element in a list A
of N
elements. The function BuildMinHeap(H, K)
is to arrange elements H[1]
... H[K]
into a min-heap. Please complete the following program.
ElementType FindKthLargest ( int A[], int N, int K )
{ /* it is assumed that K<=N */
ElementType *H;
int i, next, child;
H = (ElementType *)malloc((K+1)*sizeof(ElementType));
for ( i=1; i<=K; i++ ) H[i] = A[i-1];
BuildMinHeap(H, K);
for ( next=K; next<N; next++ ) {
H[0] = A[next];
if ( H[0] > H[1] ) {
for ( i=1; i*2<=K; i=child ) {
child = i*2;
if ( child!=K && (5分) ) child++;
if ( (5分) )
H[i] = H[child];
else break;
H[i] = H[0];
return H[1];
序号 | 结果 | 测试点得分 |
0 | 编译错误 | 0 |
1 | 未作答 | 0 |
Please fill in the blanks in the program which performs Find
as a Union/Find operation with path compression.
SetType Find ( ElementType X, DisjSet S )
ElementType root, trail, lead;
for ( root = X; S[root] > 0; (5分) ) ;
for ( trail = X; trail != root; trail = lead ) {
lead = S[trail] ;
return root;
序号 | 结果 | 测试点得分 |
0 | 编译错误 | 0 |
1 | 未作答 | 0 |