3 Introduction to the Quantum Theory of Solids
3.1 Allowed and Forbidden Energy Bands
3.1.3 The \(k\)-Space Diagram
the k comes from that all one-electron wave functions, for problems involving periodically varying potential energy functions, must be of the form \(\psi(x)=u(x)e^{jkx}\)
Equation gives the relation between the parameter \(k\) total energy \(E\) (through the parameter \(\alpha\)), and the potential barrier \(bV_0\).
We assume that \(V_0=0\), then we acquire
\(\alpha\) is given by\(\sqrt{\frac{2mE}{\hbar^2}}=\frac{p}{\hbar}=k\), so we obtain the relationship between \(k\) and \(E\)
Now, we consider the relation between \(E\) and \(k\) form Equation for the particle in the single-crystal lattice.
define the left side of the Equation as
$$ f(\alpha a)=P'\frac{\sin\alpha a}{\alpha a}+\cos\alpha a $$ to the right side, we also have,
$$ f(\alpha a)=\cos ka $$
the right side can also be written as \(\cos ka=\cos(ka+2n\pi)=\cos(ka-2n\pi)\)
then we gain
3.2 Electrical Conduction In Solids
3.2.1 The Energy Band and the Bond Model
3.2.2 Drift Current
the drift current density
if a force is applied to a particle and the particle moves.
3.2.3 Electron Effective Mass
and we add \(m^*\) as effective mass
then back to the Equation, we obtain,
and, if we take the second derivative of \(E\) with respect to \(k\)
apply the Newton's classical equation of motion:
since that,
then the acceleration,
\(m^*_N\) denotes the effective mass of the electron
3.2.4 Concept of the Hole
3.2.5 Metals, Insulators, and Semiconductors
3.3 Extension to Three Dimensions
3.4 Density of States Functions
3.5 Statistical Mechanics
\(f_F(E)\)为Fermi-Dirac distribution/ probability function,代表能量为E的量子态被电子占据的可能性
- 开始时考虑\(T=0k, E<E_F\),则\(f_F=1\);若\(E>E_F\),则\(f_F=0\)。如下图\(E_4<E_F\le E_5\)。
- 温度升高,一定的电子跃入更高的能级,电子分布发生改变
Maxwell-Boltzmann approximation \(f_F(E)\approx exp\left[\frac{-(E-E_F)}{kT}\right]\)